I’ve an entity from Canada who is looking to purchase following:
√ Existing Green Energy producing facilities of a min of 65 MWs and upwards.
√ Also if you have hydro electric existing facilities for sale same 65 MWs to 100 MWs
They are interested
√ Geothermal Power Facilities ..
√ They are looking acquire these green energy producing facilities out right or invest to purchase 35% of production facilities of 65 MWs to 150 Megawatts .
√ Investors are only interested in 4 specific areas
1) Waste to electricity
2) Geo Thermal Energy
3) Blue or Green Hydrogen
4) Normal Hydro Electric
5) Coal Burning Facilities
Not interested in solar power generation 不需要光伏电站.
√ Please let me know if you ‘ve anyone that owns these facilities & wants to sell or need investors .
√ Geographically Interested Area 区域..⤵️
Please make a full presentation to take forward for DD before we bring principals on Email 邮箱 Frank@sci-c.org